The prototype
The new London Routemaster bus came into service in 2012. It is a three door design with a hop-on hop-off capability. The rear door can be left open when a conductor is on board. The vehicle is a hybrid with a Diesel engine charging batteries. The batteries then power traction motors. Power is also recovered by regenerative breaking.

The model
The box is the usual Oxford card outer covering a perspex enclosure. These would make good display cases if it was not for the moulding mark at the top. The model is secured to the black plastic base using minuscule screws.

There is a remarkable amount of detail with most of the signage legible. There is a full interior including cab detail.
The chassis is metal while most of the body is plastic. Wheels are functional and nicely detailed also, the window surrounds are printed.

Roof detail includes the Helicopter viewable ID number. The letters indicate the operator, in this case the Go Ahead Group and the fleet number follows.

These are amazing little models with no significant errors. Great for under £15.