Updated , 13/4/22. Looking for Free model railway kits? Most download companies offer free kits as samplers. Other ranges are entirely free.
So who has the biggest range of kit downloads?
Wordsworth models has a large range of free downloadable kits. The later kits are more advanced. For example, some have transparent glazing. They can be made from 1mm and 2mm card or cereal packets.
They also have some useful texture sheets.

3DK free brick hut
3DK are a Canadian company. They produce a lot of British Outline kits that can be downloaded. There is a free brick office download that has a lot of detail and a good range of signage. The windows can be printed onto a clear sheet.
The other buildings in the range are good value at less than £4.

Kingsway Models free kits
Kingsway models usually issue a free kit download at Christmas and previous years kits are available for free.

Kingsway 0 scale, Tyre & Exhaust Centre, 1/43 Ready Made Building£60.00
In stock
Kingsway 0 Gauge, Filling station & showroom 1/43 Ready Made Building£60.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, Black Cat Tavern, Kit build service.£45.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, 1930’s Semi Detached Houses, Kit build service.£50.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, Large Block of Flats, Kit build service.£60.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, Classic Department Store, Kit build service.£40.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, Dockhead Fire Station, Kit build service.£70.00
In stock
Kingsway 00 scale, Acton Fire station, Kit build service.£45.00
In stock
Free building downloads from Smart Models
Smart Models offer a free downloadable signal box kit

Card models by Tony
Card models by Tony has a large range of free downloads, they are quite crude but can be modified.

Free building downloads on pintrest
Another good source of free downloads is Pintrest there are a large number of UK style buildings.

If you like your kits ready made I do kit builds for all of the popular brands.

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