The prototype
The Blackpool Balloon trams came in to use in 1934, they had the then fashionable streamlined look and replaced some much older vehicles. They can still be seen as part of the heritage fleet.
The model
This die-cast model is attractively boxed and weighs in at 300 grams. It has an RRP of £29.99. The painting is nicely done and the glazing is flush. The really tiny headboard printing is legible.
The packaging consist of two vac-formed pieces with the model screwed to a plastic base. The base has a description of the vehicle printed on it. There is also a representation of the track
The advertising bar on the side is from the 1960’s . Also, the coat of arms and lining are crisply applied, however the handrails are part of the moulding and not separately fitted.
Some issues with the model
The bogies are somewhat crude and resemble a formless blob! Additionally there is a fit issue with the roof light glazing, the trolley pole is also primitive.
This model is not meant to be a super accurate scale model although some have been motorised! The model looks the part, as a display item and is reasonable value. Some of the plastic mouldings could be improved.