Building the Dapol Scammell Scarab lorry

The Dapol scammell, plastic kit is cheap and easily obtainable. The model builds into a nice vehicle for dioramas and station scenes set in the 1950’s and 60’s. It is based on the ex Kitmaster, ex Airfix kit and dates from the 1960’s so there is quite a lot of flash to deal with. There are some fiddly and minuscule parts to fit so you need a good magnifier and steady hands. The carpet monster ate the exhaust during the build!

The artwork mimics the original Kitmaster models

This kit comes with two trailer options but no windscreen. I used some thin transparent material to make one. You need to assemble the cab, deal with any seam lines and paint the cab,first. The colours for BR were cream and maroon. Railmatch can provide these colours, 2306 maroon and 2312 cream.

There are two options for the trailer

I used some filler on the cab seam lines. Use Primer on the completed chassis and then spray it black.

Filler is used on the cab seam lines
The primed chassis without the mud guards

Next assemble the barrels and scrape the seam lines. I used Humbrol dark earth (29) for the base colour. You can use cocktail sticks pushed into the mounting holes to make it easier to paint the barrels. After painting push them in to a block of Plasticine to dry.

The primed barrels

The Barrels

After painting with Humbrol dark earth.The barrel banding is made with black painted masking tape. Cut it in to strips and apply. This is far easier than painting by hand.

The kit comes with two figures.

Cab painting and decals

For the cab paint, I used Humbrol 71 Oak and 73 Wine ,these give a weathered appearance to the BR colours. The decals are fiddly to apply and should be coated with mat varnish after applying. The varnish should hide the carrier film.

Mat varnish will hide the decal carrier film

This is a pleasing model that is handy for any 60’s scene.